
Geotechnical Consultant Services

Request for Qualifications
Geotechnical Consultant Services


The PBC is advertising for Request for Qualifications from Geotechnical Consulting Firms (including Joint Venture firms) for upcoming projects requiring Geotechnical Investigation and Reporting services. Geotechnical Investigation and Reporting shall consist of but not limited to Field Investigation, Laboratory Analysis and Evaluations, Foundation Engineering Evaluations, Project Coordination, and providing recommendations and reporting on all phases of various public projects.

Submission Due Date: Qualification Submittals must be delivered by Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 12:00 pm to the 糖心logo, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602.

Requests for Interpretation: Every request for interpretation must be made in writing, by email to GaryBell@cityofchicago.org and/or addressed to the 糖心logo 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602, Attention: Gary Bell – Contract Officer. Questions received less than seven calendar days prior to the due date and time may be answered at the discretion of the 糖心logo. The interpretations, if any, will be issued in writing and added to this ad.

Contact: Gary S. Bell – Contract Officer (312) 744-9287

RFQ & Instructions: RFQ for the geotechnical Services dated July 6, 2009 is available for download here.