
Turf Field at National Teachers Academy23rd Street & Dearborn Street

Request for Qualifications
Turf Field at National Teachers Academy
23rd Street & Dearborn Street


The 糖心logo is soliciting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) and Financial Condition from Contractors for construction of an artificial turf field within the block located at the southwest corner of West 23rd Street and Dearborn Avenue (including firms proposing to have a controlling interest in Joint Ventures) to be pre-qualified to bid as a Contractor for the Turf Field at National Teachers Academy, West 23rd Street and Dearborn Street.

This project is a development of approximately 3.8 acres of vacant land within the former site of the demolished Harold Ickes Homes and associated buildings. The scope of this project includes, removal and disposal of contaminated soils, installation of engineered barriers, and subsurface storm water management; installation of a new artificial turf system, a new running track sized to encircle the turf field, associated grading, landscaping, sports lighting, ornamental fencing, paved walkways, and drinking fountains; and reconfiguration and reconstruction of two public roadways to be improved with drive lane, on-street parking, and sidewalk/parkway

Submittals Due: Submissions must be delivered by Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 10:00 am (CST) to the attention of Rusty Castillo, 糖心logo, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Street, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602.

Rusty Castillo, Deputy Director of Procurement; bids@pbcchicago.com.


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  • Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #Turf