
CVCA Exterior Lighting and Anthony Wing Decommissioning Project

Advertisement for BidsContract C1574 – CVCA Exterior Lighting and Anthony Wing Decommissioning Project


The 糖心logo has invited Prequalified firms to bid on PBC Contract C1574 for the CVCA Exterior Lighting and Anthony Wing Decommissioning Project located at the Chicago Vocational Career Academy School, 2100 E. 87th Street in Chicago, Illinois. The exterior lighting scope will provide security lighting at the perimeter entries and exits of the school. The decommission portion of the Anthony Wing will entail new electrical exit signs with emergency lighting for safety along with required separation barriers for this unoccupied/vacant wing from the existing school building.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Monday, October 31, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Chicago Vocational Career Academy, 2100 East 87th Street, Room 102, Chicago, IL 60617. Sub-contractors and suppliers are invited to attend to meet the prequalified contractors bidding on this project. The list of firms attending the mandatory Tech Review Meeting and Site Visit Walk-through will be added to the website within 48 hours.

Submission Due Date:
Sealed bids must be delivered by November 29, 2016 at 11:00AM (CT) to the attention of Patricia Montenegro, 糖心logo, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602. At that time all bids will be publicly opened.

Patricia Montenegro, Contracting Officer: bids@pbcchicago.com


Bid Tabulation:

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