
19th District Police Station

850 West Addison

LEED Certified: GOLD

This new Police Station will replace the existing police station located at 3600 North Halsted. The current station was built in the 1930’s and does not have adequate space or amenities to service the Town Hall District. The new station will consist of a two story 44,000-square-foot masonry building with a design based on the prototype for other new police stations that have been built throughout the City. The project is designed to accommodate a staff of 450 people over three shifts and will contain male/female locker rooms, roll call room, exercise room, sallyport, holding cells, interview rooms, evidence areas, 100 seat community room, administrative and general offices and a 150 foot communications tower.

LEED Features: This project will be designed to achieve the goal of LEED “Gold” Certification and includes a turbine generator waste heat recovery system, heat island effect reduction pavement, drought resistant landscaping, and a sophisticated building energy management system.


  • 2011 Chicago Architecture Foundation Patron of the Year Nomination

*formerly the 23rd District Police Station