
PBC Board of Commissioners awards contracts for demolition of Michael Reese Hospital campus

Kevin Smith, Public Building Commission, (312) 744-9277

On June 12, 2009, the Public Building Commission released bid documents for the abatement and demolition of four groups of buildings consisting of a total of 24 structures on the Michael Reese Hospital campus. Bids on the four groups (which were designated as Group B, Group C, Group D and Group E) were received on July 8, 2009.

Today, the Public Building Commission’s Board of Commissioners awarded a $7,980,000 contract to Brandenburg Industrial Service Company, who submitted the lowest of seven bids on Group B and the lowest of five bids on Group E. A $3,194,300 contract was awarded to Heneghan Wrecking Company, who submitted the lowest of seven bids on both groups C and D.

The Brandenburg contract for groups B and E includes a 44.66% commitment for the participation of Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprises. The Heneghan contract for groups C and D includes a commitment to 46.96% MBE/WBE participation.

Both contracts call for at least 50% of project labor to be performed by City residents and for 15% of labor to be performed by community residents. The PBC estimates that the Michael Reese Hospital demolition program will generate up to 150 jobs, including more than 22 jobs for community residents.

Under the Michael Reese Demolition Program, a total of $12.7 million worth of work has been awarded by the PBC. Some 50.9% of these contract dollars, equaling almost $6.47 million, has been committed to minority- and women-owned businesses.

With today’s vote, it was anticipated that abatement work would begin before the end of the month, with demolition work to follow upon completion of the abatement.

The PBC manages construction and renovation projects for the City of Chicago and its other sister agencies. Mayor Richard M. Daley serves as the PBC’s chairman. Additional information about the PBC and its projects is available at the agency’s Web site: www.pbcchicago.com.

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