
Board Meeting – November 12, 2014

Event Details

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Second Floor Board Room, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Street

Agenda | Presentation | Summary | Minutes
Change Order Approved
Project: Alexander Graham Bell School Addition
Address: 3730 North Oakley Avenue
Contractor: Wight Construction Services
Amount: -98511.54
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1545R
Date: 11/12/2014
Project: Peck Elementary School Addition
Address: 3826 West 58th Street
Contractor: F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates, LLC
Amount: -250122.84
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1536
Date: 11/12/2014
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor: Walsh Construction Company, II LLC
Amount: 134636.17
Reason: Error or Omission
Contract Number: 1527
Date: 11/12/2014
Professional Services Contract
Services: Environmental Services Renovation/Demolition
Project: Arthur E. Canty Elementary School Annex
Address: 3740 North Panama Avenue
Contractor With: Carnow Conibear & Assoc., Ltd.
Amount of Contract: 30193.75
Contract Number: PS1651B-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Traffic Study
Project: Arthur E. Canty Elementary School Annex
Address: 3740 North Panama Avenue
Contractor With: Infrastructure Engineering, Incorporated
Amount of Contract: 14828.00
Contract Number: PS1557F-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Traffic Study
Project: Prospect Avenue Transit Access Improvements
Address: Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
Contractor With: Terra Engineering, Ltd.
Amount of Contract: 53460.00
Contract Number: PS1853D-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Material Testing Services
Project: Chicago Vocational Career Academy High School
Address: 2100 East 87th Street
Contractor With: GSG Material Testing, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 349250.00
Contract Number: PS1669D-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Material Testing Services
Project: Charles R. Henderson Elementary School Renovation
Address: 5650 South Wolcott Avenue
Contractor With: AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 5400.00
Contract Number: PS1669A-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Traffic Study
Project: Minnie Mars Jamieson Elementary School Annex
Address: 5650 North Mozart Street
Contractor With: Terra Engineering, Ltd.
Amount of Contract: 16906.00
Contract Number: PS1853D-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Environment Services Renovation/Demolition
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School Renovation
Address: 606 South State Street
Contractor With: Carnow Conibear & Assoc., Ltd.
Amount of Contract: 11755.00
Contract Number: PS1651B-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Material Testing Services
Project: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Annex
Address: 615 West Kemper Place
Contractor With: Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 54716.00
Contract Number: PS1669G-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Construction Management Services
Project: Richard Edwards IB Fine & Performing Arts Dual Language
Address: 4815 South Karlov Avenue
Contractor With: Berglund Construction Company
Amount of Contract: 0.00
Contract Number: PS2036
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Traffic Study
Project: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Annex
Address: 615 West Kemper Place
Contractor With: Traffic Analysis & Design, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 2330.00
Contract Number: PS1853E-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Laptop Computer
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: Sierra Public Safety Group
Amount of Contract: 3386.00
Contract Number: PS2042
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Facade Inspection
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School Renovation
Address: 606 South State Street
Contractor With: WJE (Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.)
Amount of Contract: 10682.70
Contract Number: PS2037
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Environmental Services Renovation/Demolition
Project: Richard Edwards IB Fine & Performing Arts Dual Language
Address: 4815 South Karlov Avenue
Contractor With: Environmental Consulting Group, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 29900.00
Contract Number: PS1651C-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Traffic Study
Project: Richard Edwards IB Fine & Performing Arts Dual Language
Address: 4815 South Karlov Avenue
Contractor With: Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 14000.00
Contract Number: PS1557C-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Environmental A, B & C Services
Project: Richard Edwards IB Fine & Performing Arts Dual Language
Address: 4815 South Karlov Avenue
Contractor With: Pioneer Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 55098.00
Contract Number: PS1569J-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Services: Environmental Services Renovation/Demolition
Project: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Annex
Address: 615 West Kemper Place
Contractor With: Accurate/GSG JV
Amount of Contract: 78481.00
Contract Number: PS1651A-TO
Date: 11/12/2014
Other Actions
Action: Richard J. Daley Center Energy Savings Program
Details: Report by the Executive Director regarding refinancing of the Tax Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement (TELPA) loan associated with the Guaranteed Energy Performance Contracting (GEPC) for the Richard J. Daley Center Energy Savings Program.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Peabody Elementary School
Details: Approval of a request from the Board of Education for the PBC to convey the land and improvements located at 1434 and 1444 West Augusta Avenue (former Peabody Elementary School) to Svigos Asset Management.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Southeast Area Elementary School
Details: Approval of IEPA Municipal Brownfields Redevelopment Grant Agreement and Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chicago for receipt of IEPA grant funds in the amount of $120,000.00 to pay a portion of the cost of environmental remediation of the Southeast Area Elementary School Site located at 10468 South Indianapolis Boulevard.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Woodson Regional Library
Details: Approval of an undertaking request from the City of Chicago for the Interior Renovation Project at the Woodson Regional Library located at 9525 South Halsted Street.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Audit Committee
Details: Report by the Audit Committee regarding the meeting held on October 27, 2014.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Minimum Wage Resolution
Details: Approval to adopt the City’s Minimum Wage Resolution as part of the PBC’s contract documents.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Prospect Avenue Transit Access Improvements
Details: Approval of a revised formulation request from the Village of Clarendon Hills for a Transit Access Improvement Project at the railroad crossing intersection at Prospect Avenue in Clarendon Hills.
Date: 11/12/2014
Action: Mayor Emanuel’s Chicago Plays! Program
Details: Approval of an undertaking request from the Chicago Park District for the purchase of playground equipment in support of Mayor Emanuel’s Chicago Plays! Program, for the following parks:
  • Brynford, 5640 North Pulaski Road
  • Stephen Douglas, 1400 South California Blvd.
  • James Humbert, 632 West 31st Street
  • Legion, 3000 West Catalpa
Date: 11/12/2014
Contract Amendments
Project: Albany Park Branch Library
Address: 3401 West Foster Avenue
Contractor Named: Midwest Office Interiors, Inc.
Notes: FF&E
Amount: 13631.22
Contract Number: PS2012-A1
Date: 11/12/2014
Project: Oriole Park Elementary School Annex
Address: 5424 North Oketo Avenue
Contractor Named: Wallin/Gomez Architects, Ltd.
Notes: Architect of Record
Amount: 45540.00
Contract Number: PS2000-A1
Date: 11/12/2014
Architect of Record Named
Project: Design Architect Services
Address: Various Locations
Architect of Record Named: FGM Architects
Notes: Design Architect
Date: 11/12/2014
Project: Design Architect Services
Address: Various Locations
Architect of Record Named: Legat Architects
Notes: Design Architect
Date: 11/12/2014
Project: Design Architect Services
Address: Various Locations
Architect of Record Named: SMNG-A, Ltd.
Notes: Design Architect
Date: 11/12/2014