
PBC Board Meeting

Event Details

Second Floor Board Room
Richard J. Daley Center
50 West Washington Street

Services: Environmental Engineering
Project: Belmont Cragin Replacement School
Company: O’Brien and Gere Engineers, Inc.
Amount: $523,623
Details: PS2060G-001
Services: Material Testing
Project: Poe Classical School Annex & Renovations
Company: SEECO Consultants, Inc.
Amount: $141,210
Details: PS2065F-001
Services: Material Testing
Project: Read Dunning Salt Storage Structure
Company: GSG Material Testing, Inc.
Amount: $7,060
Details: PS2065D-002
Services: Material Testing
Project: Waters Elementary School Annex & Renovations
Company: ECS Midwest, LLC
Amount: $283,306
Details: PS2065-001
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Corliss High School Renovations
Company: Harding Mode Joint Venture
Amount: $621,696
Details: PS3037-003
Service: Audit Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: Deloitte & Touche
Amount: $1,500,000
Details: PS3045
Service: Server Migration and Maintenance
Project: Program-wide
Company: Synapse Network
Amount: $150,000 – Term of the Agreement through 12/31/21
Details: PS1996-004
Service: Mechanical Consulting
Project: Program-wide
Company: Element Energy Consulting, LLC
Amount: $0.00 – Term of the Agreement through 12/31/21
Details: PS2047-003
Approval of聽 Revised Undertaking Request
Project: Legler Regional Library Renovations
Details: Revised Undertaking in the amount of $9,250,000
Approval of聽 an Undertaking Request
Project: Salt Dome Replacement Facility (Grand Avenue)
Details: Undertaking Request in the amount of $12,000,000