
Community Hiring Opportunities

The Public Building Commission is committed to providing residents who live in the community with opportunities to work on the projects being built in their community. The PBC has contract provisions that require a percentage of each project’s labor force to be local residents.

When project’s contract is awarded to a General Contractor, the PBC works with that contractor to establish the number of positions available to the community based on that project’s manpower schedule. Once that number is established, the PBC schedules hiring events to provide experienced community residents with the opportunity to apply for the available jobs.

Click Here for FAQs

The PBC is committed to Chicagoans: local residency hiring requirements are built into many of our construction contracts so that neighborhoods benefit from PBC projects as soon as we break ground.

With this in mind, we recognize some of the extraordinary Chicagoans working on PBC projects across the city. We’re highlighting these folks here.

Upcoming community hiring events are listed below.

PBC Community Hiring Opportunity Flyer Final_09112023