
Board Meeting – December 10, 2013

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories:

Second Floor Board Room, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Street

Presentation | Minutes | Agenda | Summary
Other Actions
Action: North Career Metropolitan High School
Details: Approval of a request from the Board of Education for the PBC to convey former Near North Career Metropolitan High School at 1450 North Larrabee to the City of Chicago.
Date: 12/10/2013
Action: Southwest Area Elementary School
Details: Approval of a formulation request from the Board of Education for the planning phase of the new Southwest Area Elementary School located in the vicinity of 60th and South Karlov Avenue.
Date: 12/10/2013
Action: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Annex
Details: Approval of a partial undertaking request from the Board of Education for the planning, design and construction of the Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Annex Project located at 615 West Kemper Place.
Date: 12/10/2013
Architect of Record Named
Project: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Annex
Address: 615 West kemper Place
Architect of Record Named: Muller & Muller Architects
Notes: Architect of Record
Date: 12/10/2013
Professional Services Contract
Services: Disaster Recovery Site
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: Cogent Communications
Amount of Contract: 40000.00
Contract Number: PS2006
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Collaborative Workspace software, including technical support implementation services as well as administrator and end user training services to the PBC.
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: McLaren Software, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 100000.00
Contract Number: PS2008
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Term contract for fabrication and installation of construction signage for various construction sites.
Project: Construction Signage
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: The Blue Print Shoppe
Amount of Contract: 10000.00
Contract Number: PS1984A
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Term contract for fabrication and installation of construction signage for various construction sites.
Project: Construction Signage
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: Impact Signs
Amount of Contract: 10000.00
Contract Number: PS1984B
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Term contract for fabrication and installation of construction signage for various construction sites.
Project: Construction Signage
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: Sign A Rama
Amount of Contract: 10000.00
Contract Number: PS1984C
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Provide leased copier machines as well as maintenance and supplies to the PBC.
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: Ricoh
Amount of Contract: 220000.00
Contract Number: PS
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Gym Bleacher Reinforcement
Project: Eric Solorio Academy High School
Address: 5400 South St. Louis
Contractor With: Carroll Seating Company
Amount of Contract: 4500.00
Contract Number: PS1991
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Site Maintenance service for various PBC properties.
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: A Safe Haven
Amount of Contract: 24000.00
Contract Number: PS1995
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Insurance Brokerage Director & Officer Services
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: CS Insurance Strategies, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 4000.00
Contract Number: PS1999
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Purchase of computers and server software
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: Systems Solutions, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 17193.00
Contract Number: PS599
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Purchase of printer
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: CDW-G
Amount of Contract: 160.52
Contract Number: PS775-085
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental Reno/Demo Services
Project: Wildwood World Magnet School Annex
Address: 6950 North Hiawatha Avenue
Contractor With: ATC Group Services, Inc. d/b/a Cardno ATC
Amount of Contract: 15793.75
Contract Number: PS1857A-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Geotechnical Services
Project: Walter Payton College Preparatory High School Annex
Address: 1034 North Wells Street
Contractor With: EPI (Environmental Protection Industries, Inc.)
Amount of Contract: 28518.00
Contract Number: PS1558C-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Construction Material Testing Services
Project: Nathan Hale Elementary School Linked Annex
Address: 6140 South Melvina Avenue
Contractor With: SEECO Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 4870.00
Contract Number: PS1669F-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Survey Services
Project: Whitney Young Branch Library Addition
Address: 7901 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Contractor With: American Surveying & Engineers, P.C.
Amount of Contract: 5439.00
Contract Number: PS1858B-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Survey Services
Project: Oriole Park Elementary School Annex
Address: 5424 North Oketo Avenue
Contractor With: Tecma Associates
Amount of Contract: 4900.00
Contract Number: PS1858G-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental Reno/Demo Services
Project: Oriole Park Elementary School Annex
Address: 5424 North Oketo Avenue
Contractor With: Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 20587.50
Contract Number: PS1651G-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental ABC Services
Project: Chinatown Branch Library
Address: 2100 South Wentworth Avenue
Contractor With: Pioneer Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 31080.00
Contract Number: PS1569J-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental ABC Services
Project: Walter Payton College Preparatory High School Annex
Address: 1034 North Wells Street
Contractor With: AMEC E&I, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 52022.00
Contract Number: PS1569I-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental ABC Services
Project: Wildwood World Magnet School Annex
Address: 6950 North Hiawatha Avenue
Contractor With: Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 54072.00
Contract Number: PS1569B-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental ABC Services
Project: Oriole Park Elementary School Annex
Address: 5424 North Oketo Avenue
Contractor With: Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 48859.14
Contract Number: PS1569K-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Services: Environmental Reno/Demo Services
Project: Walter Payton College Preparatory High School Annex
Address: 1034 North Wells Street
Contractor With: AMEC E&I, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 22401.00
Contract Number: PS1651F-TO
Date: 12/10/2013
Contract Amendments
Project: Back of the Yards High School & Library
Address: 2111 West 47th Street
Contractor Named: STL Architects, Inc.
Notes: Architect of Record
Amount: 7426.69
Contract Number: PS1644-A10
Date: 12/10/2013
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor Named: Perkins + Will, Inc.
Notes: Architect of Record
Amount: 19348.75
Contract Number: PS1547-A10
Date: 12/10/2013
Project: Chicago Public Safety Headquarters
Address: 3510 South Michigan
Contractor Named: Thornton-Tomasetti Engineers
Notes: Architect of Record
Amount: 20000.00
Contract Number: PS1936-A1
Date: 12/10/2013
Project: Program Wide Term Agreement
Address: Various Locations
Contractor Named: SMNG A (Schroeder Murchie Niemiec Gazda-Auskalnis Architects, Ltd.)
Notes: Design Architect
Amount: 2000000.00
Contract Number: PS1039-A6
Date: 12/10/2013
Change Order Approved
Project: Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex
Address: 8010 South Kostner Avenue
Contractor: F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates, LLC
Amount: -32284.52
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1539
Date: 12/10/2013
Project: Back of the Yards High School & Library
Address: 2111 West 47th Street
Contractor: Sollitt/Brown & Momen JV
Amount: 60000.00
Reason: Error or Omission
Contract Number: 1521
Date: 12/10/2013
Project: Ping Tom Memorial Park Fieldhouse
Address: 1700 South Wentworth
Contractor: Wight & Company
Amount: 577529.01
Reason: Multiple see below
Contract Number: PS1922
Date: 12/10/2013
  • Differing Site Conditions
  • Client Directed Change
  • Other
General Contractor Named
Project: John C. Coonley Elementary School Addition
Address: 4046 North Leavitt Street
Contractor Named: K.R. Miller Contractors, Inc.
Notes: MBE Commitment: 24.34% WBE Commitment: 4.98%

MBE Sub-Contractor:

  • Livewire Electrical Systems, Inc.
  • M. Cannon Roofing Co.
  • Qu-Bar

WBE Sub Contractor:

  • Jewel Construction Co. Inc.
  • Underland Architectural
Contract For: 10777000.00
Date: 12/10/2013
Contract Number: 1556