
Board Meeting – November 09, 2011

Event Details

  • Date:
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Second Floor Board Room, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Street

Agenda | Summary | Notice | Minutes
Other Actions
Action: Department of General Services Request
Details: Approval of a title transfer request from the City of Chicago Department of General Services for the following locations;
Date: 11/09/2011
Action: Greater Grand Crossing Branch Library Reading Garden
Details: Approval for the PBC to accept the donation of property located at 1018-1024 East 73rd Street from the Comer Science and Education Foundation for the Greater Grand Crossing Library Reading Garden.
Date: 11/09/2011
Action: Administration of Oath of Office
Details: Administration of Oath of Office to Rahm Emanuel appointee of the City of Chicago as a Commissioner of the 糖心logo for a term ending September 30, 2016.
Date: 11/09/2011
Action: Mr. John E. Wilson
Details: Approval of a resolution commending Mr. John E. Wilson for his service to the 糖心logo as Assistant Treasurer.
Date: 11/09/2011
Professional Services Contract
Services: Renewal of Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Brokerage Services
Project: Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Brokerage Sevices
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: CS Insurance Strategies, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 8000.00
Contract Number: PS1422
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Pro account for PBC photos on Flickr
Project: PBC Social Media
Address: www.flickr.com/photos/pbcchicago
Contractor With: Flickr
Amount of Contract: 24.95
Contract Number: PS
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Material Testing
Project: Engine Company 16
Address: 53 East Pershing Road
Contractor With: GSG Material Testing, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 3900.00
Contract Number: PS1669D-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Material Testing
Project: Edgewater Branch Library
Address: 6000 North Broadway
Contractor With: ECS Midwest, LLC
Amount of Contract: 13145.00
Contract Number: PS1669B-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Material Testing
Project: Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy
Address: 7651 South Homan Avenue
Contractor With: Great Lakes Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 6920.00
Contract Number: PS1669E-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Survey
Project: Albany Park Branch Library
Address: 5150 North Kimball
Contractor With: GRAEF – USA, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 7835.00
Contract Number: PS1688E-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Traffic Study
Project: Albany Park Branch Library
Address: 5150 North Kimball
Contractor With: HDR Engineering, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 8500.00
Contract Number: PS1557E-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Property Management Services for various project sites on a task order basis.
Project: Property Management Services
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: MarketPro, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 200000.00
Contract Number: PS1901
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Increase to the maximum contract value for security and risk assessment consulting services for PBC surveillance projects
Project: Security & Risk Assessment Consulting Services
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: Elert & Associates, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 300000.00
Contract Number: PS1851-A2
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental A, B, C
Project: Durkin Park Linked Annex
Address: 8445 South Kolin Avenue
Contractor With: Environmental Design International, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 72314.40
Contract Number: PS1569D-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental A, B, C
Project: Stevenson Linked Annex
Address: 8010 South Kostner Avenue
Contractor With: V3 Companies of Illinois
Amount of Contract: 72852.00
Contract Number: PS1569L-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental A, B, C
Project: 12th District Police Station
Address: 1412 South Blue Island Avenue
Contractor With: Environmental Design International, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 20000.00
Contract Number: PS1569D-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental-Reno/Demo
Project: Albany Park Branch Library
Address: 5150 North Kimball
Contractor With: United Analytical Services, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 37116.00
Contract Number: PS1651H-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental-Reno/Demo
Project: Durkin Park Linked Annex
Address: 8445 South Kolin Avenue
Contractor With: Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 64981.25
Contract Number: PS1651G-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental-Reno/Demo
Project: 12th District Police Station
Address: 1412 South Blue Island Avenue
Contractor With: Environmental Design International, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 94831.25
Contract Number: PS1651D-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Geotechnical
Project: Albany Park Branch Library
Address: 5150 North Kimball
Contractor With: ECS Midwest, LLC
Amount of Contract: 17325.00
Contract Number: PS1558B-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Material Testing
Project: Ogden International School of Chicago
Address: 24 West Walton
Contractor With: GSG Material Testing, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 41375.00
Contract Number: PS1669D-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Material Testing
Project: South Shore High School Demolition
Address: 7529 South Constance Avenue
Contractor With: ECS Midwest, LLC
Amount of Contract: 36325.00
Contract Number: PS1669B-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Server licenses
Project: PBC Administration
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: CDW-G
Amount of Contract: 3660.00
Contract Number: PS775
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Geotechnical
Project: Durkin Park Linked Annex
Address: 8445 South Kolin Avenue
Contractor With: Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 5559.00
Contract Number: PS1558G-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: One year extension of construction sign contract.
Project: Construction Sign Vendor
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: Sign A Rama
Amount of Contract: 12000.00
Contract Number: PS1445-A1
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: One year extension of construction sign contract.
Project: Construction Sign Vendor
Address: Various Location
Contractor With: H M Witt
Amount of Contract: 12000.00
Contract Number: PS1444-A1
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: One year extension of construction sign contract.
Project: Construction Sign Vendor
Address: Various Locations
Contractor With: The Blue Print Shoppe
Amount of Contract: 12000.00
Contract Number: PS1447-A1
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Website support and development
Project: www.pbcchicago.com
Address: 50 West Washington
Contractor With: Catalyst Consulting Group
Amount of Contract: 20000.00
Contract Number: Ps1906
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental A, B, C
Project: Albany Park Branch Library
Address: 5150 North Kimball
Contractor With: V3 Companies of Illinois
Amount of Contract: 27882.00
Contract Number: PS1569L-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Services: Environmental A, B, C
Project: Back of the Yards High School
Address: 2111 West 47th Street
Contractor With: GSG Consultants, Inc.
Amount of Contract: 17184.00
Contract Number: PS1569G-TO
Date: 11/09/2011
Change Order Approved
Project: West Ridge Elementary School
Address: 6700 North Whipple
Contractor: George Sollitt Construction/Oakley Construction JV
Amount: 158755.80
Reason: Multiple see below
Contract Number: 1477
Date: 11/09/2011
  • Differing Site Conditions
  • Other
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor: Rausch Construction Co., Inc.
Amount: 11565.51
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1528
Date: 11/09/2011
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor: John Keno & Company
Amount: 29428.69
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1530
Date: 11/09/2011
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor: Roy Strom Excating & Grading Company
Amount: 23448.00
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1532
Date: 11/09/2011
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor: Hayward Baker, Inc.
Amount: 54505.54
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1529
Date: 11/09/2011
Project: Marvin Camras Elementary School
Address: 3000 North Mango
Contractor: Tropic Construction Corp/Nest Builders, Inc. JV
Amount: -82926.98
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1513
Date: 11/09/2011
Project: William Jones College Preparatory High School
Address: 700 South State Street
Contractor: Rausch Construction Co., Inc.
Amount: 1560.00
Reason: Other
Contract Number: 1531
Date: 11/09/2011
Architect of Record Named
Project: Elementary School Program
Address: Various Locations
Architect of Record Named: SMNG A (Schroeder Murchie Niemiec Gazda-Auskalnis Architects, Ltd.)
Notes: Two year contract extension for Design Architect services for the Elementary School Program.
Date: 11/09/2011