
PBC Board Meeting

Event Details

Second Floor Board Room
Richard J. Daley Center
50 West Washington Street

Board Actions

Services: Environmental Engineering
Project: Brooks College Prep Athletic Amenities
Company: Carlson Environmental, Inc.
Amount: $88,409.75
Details: PS2060C-002
Services: Environmental Engineering
Project: John Palmer Elementary School
Company: AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Amount: $163,020.33
Details: PS2060A-002
Services: Environmental Reno/Demo
Project: Kenwood Academy High School Renovations
Company: Environmental Design International, Inc.
Amount: $93,674.10
Details: PS2061E-002
Services: Environmental Reno/Demo
Project: Rickover High School Education Program
Company: Verde2 Environmental Solutions, LLC
Amount: $90,864.00
Details: PS2061H-002
Services: Geotechnical
Project: Decatur Classical School Annex & Renovations
Company: ECS Midwest, LLC
Amount: $50,141.00
Details: PS2062B-002
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Brooks College Prep Athletic Amenities
Company: Brook Architecture, Inc.
Amount: $234,771.00
Details: PS3026-001
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Corliss High School Renovations
Company: Harding Mode Joint Venture
Amount: $18,100.00
Details: PS3037-002
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Harrison Park Facility Rehabilitation
Company: Bailey Edward Design
Amount: $17,750
Details: PS2092-005
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Harrison Park Facility Rehabilitation
Company: Bailey Edward Design
Amount: $17,921.50
Details: PS2092-006
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Lovett Elementary School Renovations
Company: AltusWorks
Amount: $10,000
Details: PS3040-002
Services: Architect of Record
Project: McDade Classical School Annex & Renovations
Company: Moody Nolan, Inc.
Amount: $831,560.00
Details: PS3032-001
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Poe Classical School Annex & Renovations
Company: Moody Nolan, Inc.
Amount: $917,060.00
Details: PS3032-001
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Prosser Career Academy Renovations
Company: Tilton, Kelly + Bell
Amount: $5,000.00
Details: PS3028-002
Services: Architect of Record
Project: Taft Freshman Academy
Company: STL Architects, Inc.
Amount: $2,924.00
Details: PS2093-008
Service: Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: Design Consulting Engineers
Amount: $1,000,000
Details: PS2065A-002
Service: Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: ECS Midwest, LLC
Amount: $1,000,000
Details: PS2065B-002
Service: Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: GSG Material Testing, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
Details: PS2065D-002
Service: Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: Interra, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
Details: PS2065E-002
Service: Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: SEECO Consultants, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
Details: PS2065F-002
Service: Construction Material Testing and Inspection Services
Project: Program-wide
Company: Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
Details: PS2065G-002
Service: Architect of Record
Project: Minnie Mars Jamieson Elementary School Annex
Company: Architrave, Ltd.
Amount: $23,647.00
Details: PS2040-006
Property Transfer
Details: Approval of a request from the Department of Fleet and Facility Management to transfer title of property located at 6100-6158 South Winchester, for the Lindblom Math and Science Academy parking lot, to the City of Chicago
Details: Resolution聽commending the service of Frank M. Clark as a Commissioner of the 糖心logo.
Commissioner Appointment
Name: Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot
Appointment: Commissioner of the PBC
Term End Date: September 30, 2021
Election of Board Chairman
Action: Election of Board Chairman Lori E. Lightfoot for a term ending September 30, 2019.