
PBC Board Meeting

Event Details

Board Material

Services: Surveyor
Project: Malcolm X. College Washington Park Campus
Company: Thomas Engineering Group, LLC
Amount: $30,239.84
Details: PS 3083G-001
Service: Web-based Labor & Minority Compliance Software
Project: Program-Wide
Company: LCP Tracker & B2GNow
Amount: $83,000.00
Details: PS2021-006
Project: Sauganash Elementary School Annex
Company: Tyler Lane Construction, Inc
Contract: C1601
Amount: ($298,749.69)
Project: Forest Preserve District of Cook County Beaubien Woods Boat Launch Restroom and Utilities Project
Company: Meru Corporation
Amount: $2,078,000.00
Details: C1614
Project: Department of Water Management New Facility
Company: Moody Nolan, Inc.
Project: Kells Park Fieldhouse Project
Company: Brook Architecture, Inc.
Details: Approval of a request from the Board of Education for the PBC to convey property located at 2833 West Adams Street to Marillac St. Vincent Ministries, Inc.
Details: Approval of a request from the Board of Education for the PBC to convey property located 901 East 132nd Street (Building C) to People for Community Recovery.
Details: Approval of the appointment of Ray Giderof as Plan Administrator for the Public Building Commission’s Retirement Plan.
Name: Michilla Blaise
Appointment: Commissioner of the PBC
Term End Date: September 30, 2028
Name: Jose G. Maldonado, Jr.
Appointment: Commissioner of the PBC
Term End Date: September 30, 2029
Name: James Ellis
Appointment: Commissioner of the PBC
Term End Date: September 30, 2027