
Pre-Bid Meeting – Columbia Explorers Elementary School Annex

Event Details

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On Thursday, January 11, 2018, at the Columbia Explorers Elementary School Annex, located at 4520 S. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL, PBC will host a Pre-Bid Meeting at 10:00 a.m., a Mandatory Technical Review Meeting at 10:30a.m., and a Mandatory Site Visit at 11:00a.m. The Technical Review Meeting is mandatory for all eligible, prequalified firms interested in submitting a bid for this Project. Parking in school’s parking lot is prohibited. Street parking is available. Please enter through Main Entrance on Kedzie Avenue. All Mandatory Technical Review Meeting and Site Visit attendees must wear safety vests. Subcontractors and suppliers are invited to attend the Pre- Bid Meeting and stay for the following activities to meet the prequalified contractors bidding on this Project. The sign-in sheets for the above-mentioned meetings will be posted to the PBC’s website.

View this event’s contract details page.

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