
Job Order ContactingFacility Renovation Work

Request for Qualifications
Job Order ContactingFacility Renovation Work


The Public Building Commission is planning to renovate and remodel facilities utilizing the Job Order Contracting System (JOC). The PBC is requesting qualifications from General Contractors (including firms proposing to have a controlling interest in General Contractor Joint Ventures) with demonstrated experience on large facility renovation type projects for which you were the General Contractor. The contract will involve all aspects of building and grounds renovation work encompassing all Divisions of work. The value of individual projects will vary in size up to multi-million dollar projects. The contract will be for multiple years with an estimated value per year of $10,000,000. JOC is an indefinite quantity contracting (IQC) method by which Bidders bid an adjustment factor to be applied to the fixed prices in a construction task catalog.Submittals Due: Qualification submittals must be delivered by 3:00 pm on Monday, August 11, 2008 to the PBC, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200. Contact: Jon Van Daveer (312-502-0001)Document Available:

  • Statement of Qualifications and Financial Condition for General Contractors for Job Order Contracting Facility Renovation Work here.