
Michael Reese Hospital CampusTemporary Fencing Services2929 South Ellis Avenue

Advertisement for BidsContract 1487 – Michael Reese Hospital CampusTemporary Fencing Services2929 South Ellis Avenue


Invitation for Bid for Target Market Program: The PBC will be accepting sealed bids only from Certified Minority Business Enterprise(s)and Women Business Enterprise(s) with appropriate specialty area designation for Michael Reese Hospital Campus Temporary Fencing Services

Bid Opening:Sealed responses will be received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200 until 2:00 p.m. on July 7, 2009, and then and there publicly opened. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting:A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 11:30 a.m. Room CL115, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington. Failure to attend will result in the rejection of your bid.Contact: All questions regarding this contract must be submitted in writing to Janice Meeks, Senior Contract Officer, Public Building Commission, 50 West Washington, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602. Questions may be emailed to janicemeeks@cityofchicago.org or faxed to Ms. Meeks at 312/744-3572.Documents:


All bidders are responsible for obtaining all bid materials. If a bidder chooses to download and print the bid solicitation document, the bidder must contact the PBC’s Procurement Department by either: faxing a legible copy of bidder’s business card, referencing the Contract number to 312/744-3572 or by emailing the Senior Contract Officer, Janice Meeks at janicemeeks@cityofchicago.org, to register the bidder’s company as a bid document holder.

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