Advertisement for BidsContract 1446 – New ConstructionNew Westinghouse High SchoolFranklin & Kedzie
Bid Opening:Sealed responses shall be submitted and received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200 until 2:00 p.m. July 5, 2006, and then and there publicly opened. Note: opening date and time has changed.
Pre-Bid Meeting:A pre-bid meeting will be held Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 10:00 a.m. Second Floor Board Room, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting is strongly encouraged for all proposers.
Questions: All questions regarding this contract must be submitted in writing to Janice Meeks, Contract Administrator, Public Building Commission, 50 West Washington, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602. Questions may be emailed to or faxed to Ms. Meeks at 312/744-3572.
Documents Available: Copies of the forms of Contract Documents including the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions and Specifications will be available at Cushing & Color Chicago, 420 West Huron Street, (312)266-8228. Bids must be submitted on documents provided by the PBC.
Bid Fee: A bid fee of $2,800,000.00 is required. The fee must be accompanied by a bid bond provided by a surety company authorized to business in the State of Illinois, or a cashier’s or certified check made payable to the 糖心logo.
Administrative Fee An administrative fee of $5,000 is required. This fee must be in the form of a cashier’s or certified check made payable to the 糖心logo. The PBC will not accept bids that are not accompanied by the appropriate form of bid fee and administrative fee.
The 糖心logo reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids received after the announced date and time for the bid opening will not be accepted.
MBE/WBE Participation:Attention is called to special conditions specifying that a percentage of the work be performed by Minority-owned and Women-owned Business Enterprises and the award criteria provision for utilizing minorities and women in the project work force and residency requirements.
The agencies at this link are available to assist in identifying sub-contractors:
Firms Attending the Pre-Bid Meeting:
- Garth Construction
- DeSefano + Partners
- Honeywell
- James McHugh Construction
- J.S. Barber Construction
- Wight & Company
- Carlos Steel Corp.
- C & C Construction
- Jabco Industrial Services
- Gabrel Consultants
- Garfield Park conservatory Alliance
- Josh Transport, Inc.
- Najlia International
- Broadway Electric
- Jackson’s Cleaning Svc
- Garfield Park Conservatory
- Divane Brothers Electric
- Knight E/A
- Magazine Prof. Serv.
- Siemens Bldg. Technology
- Sunsat Const. & Demo
- Life Fitness
- Inoneloop
- People Landscaping
- H.J. Russell & Compnay
- Unique Casework Installation
- Althoff
- Pinto Construction
- FHP Techtonics
- Interstate Electronics
- Salus
- Nilhouse
- Christy Webber Landscape
- Walsh Construction
- Clarke Mech.
- Professional Elevator Svc.
- Control Eng. Corp.
- Sollitt Construction Co.