
New Kennedy/King College63rd & Halsted

Request for Qualifications
New Kennedy/King College
63rd & Halsted

The McClier Corporation, on behalf of the PBC, is inviting interested firms to provide pre-qualifications for the New Kennedy/King College.

Pre-Qualification Forms:
The pre-qualification form can be downloaded here.

Due Date:
Submittals of the pre-qualification forms are due Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. Electronic copies of the form should be e-mailed to tina.tomasino@mcclier.com. Forms can also be faxed to 312-373-7710

For assistance in completing the pre-qualification form contact Mr. Charles Minor at 312-373-7882.

All questions should be submitted in writing to Charles Minor and faxed to 312-373-7710.

Contract Documents:
Copies of the Contract Documents including the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions and Specifications are on file and may be review upon request.