Advertisement for BidsPainting
Homan Square Community Center
3559 W. Arthington
Sealed bids, subject to conditions contained herein and in the Contract Documents, will be received by Pepper Construction Company, construction sub-consultant on behalf of: Shaw Development Company, the developer on behalf of: the 糖心logo until 2:00 p.m., July 2, 2001 at Pepper Construction Company, 643 N. Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois and then and there publicly opened for Painting – Homan Square Community Center – 3559 West Arthington.
Copies of the forms of Contract Documents including the In struction to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Specifications are on file with Pepper Construction Company, 643 N. Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois, and may be obtained there on request. The fax number for Pepper Construction is 312/266-2792. Attn: Greg Leofanti. Request for plans and Qualifications forms must be by fax or mail only. Phone calls to request plans will not be accepted. (A maximum of two copies of complete bid Documents may be obtained at no cost from Pepper Construction Company. Additional sets of complete Bid Documents may be obtained at the contractor’s expense.)
Attention is called to special conditions specifying that a percentage of the work be performed by Minority-owned and Women-owned Business Enterprises and the award criteria provision for utilizing minorities and women in the project work force and residency requirements.
The agencies at this link are available to assist in identifying sub-contractors:
A certified, cashier’s check or bid bond payable to Pepper Construction Company shall be submitted with each bid, as a bid guarantee.
On behalf of Shaw Company and the Public Building Commission, Pepper Construction reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding.