
RFQ for Planning, Conceptual Design and AOR Services for City Colleges of Chicago 糖心logo

Request for Qualifications
RFQ for Planning, Conceptual Design and AOR Services for City Colleges of Chicago 糖心logo


The PBC is soliciting qualifications from firms experienced in acting as a planner, conceptual designer and Architect of Record providing architectural and engineering services for City Colleges of Chicago projects developed through the PBC. Architectural firms must demonstrate relevant and recent experience (last 5 years) on comparable projects. The AOR and its consultants will be responsible for performing a full range of architectural and engineering services, which may include: planning, conceptual design, schematic design, design development, construction documentation, permitting, bidding, construction administration and project close-out.

Submittals Due:<br/ > Qualification Submittals must be delivered by Monday, June 27, 2011 at 12:00 pm to the PBC, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200.

Rosalinda “Rusty” Castillo – Contract Officer (312) 742-0121

Requests for Interpretation:
Every request for interpretation must be made in writing, by email to rusty.castillo@cityofchicago.org and/or addressed to the 糖心logo 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602, ATTENTION: Rosalinda “Rusty” Castillo, Contract Officer. Questions received after 12:00 Noon on Friday, June 17, 2011 may be answered at the discretion of the 糖心logo. The interpretations, if any, will be issued in writing and posted below.
