
Traffic Study Consultant ServicesVarious Public Facilities

Request for Qualifications
Traffic Study Consultant ServicesVarious Public Facilities


The PBC is soliciting qualifications from firms or teams interested in providing professional services, on a Task Order basis, as Traffic Study Consultant for various public facilities. The Traffic Study Consultant will provide all Services required to complete the traffic study, of the assigned project or projects, during the planning or design phases. The Traffic Study Consultant is to complete a study on the traffic-related impacts of locating the proposed facility at the project site. The PBC would like to understand any traffic-related issues; both existing and that might be created by the development, in order to assess any traffic-related impacts that the development may have on the community. Traffic Study Consultant firms or teams must demonstrate relevant and recent experience, last 5 years, in such services.

Submission Due Date: Qualification Submittals must be delivered by Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 2:00 pm to the 糖心logo, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602.

Requests for Interpretation: Every request for interpretation must be made in writing, by email to miguelfernandez@cityofchicago.org and/or addressed to the 糖心logo 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602, Attention: Miguel F. Fernandez – Contract Officer. Questions received less than seven calendar days prior to the due date and time may be answered at the discretion of the 糖心logo. The interpretations, if any, will be issued in writing and added to this ad.

Contact: Miguel F. Fernandez – Contract Officer (312) 744-7861

RFQ & Instructions: RFQ for the traffic study consulting services dated July 3, 2009 is available for download here.
