
PBC Awards Fountain Renovation Contract

Terry Levin, 312) 744-9277

A Chicago construction company has been awarded a $2 million contract by the Public Building Commission to build or renovate five more public fountains throughout the city, Mayor Richard M. Daley announced.

HLF Construction Co., 155 N. Michigan Ave., was the lowest of seven bidders for the contract with its bid of $2,081,641.

The project is part of Daley’s effort, under his Neighborhoods Alive 21 program, to restore and expand Chicago’s public fountains. A dozen such fountains already have been completed, including the city’s oldest-the Drexel Fountain at 51st Street and Drexel Boulevard.

“Public fountains add beauty and fun to the community and improve the overall quality of life in Chicago,” Daley explained. “They help to humanize our urban environment and they become popular gathering places in a neighborhood.”

HLF is an African-American-owned firm certified by the city as a minority business enterprise.

This year’s five public fountain projects will be:

Wicker Park Fountain at Damen Avenue and Schiller Street, a new fountain designed to replicate the existing one that is beyond repair.

Sun Yat-sen Park Fountain, the renovation of an existing fountain at 24th Place and Princeton Avenue.

Portage Park Fountain, at Irving Park Road and Central Avenue, also the renovation of an existing fountain.

Daley Branch Library Fountain, a new fountain to be built at 3400 S. Halsted St.

Waller/Midway Plaza Fountain, a new fountain to be located at that West Side location.

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