
PBC Board Approves Contracts for New Window Air Conditioners for CPS Schools

Since 2013, Mayor Emanuel has Installed Air Conditioning at 177 CPS Schools

Molly Sullivan, Public Building Commission, (312) 744-9277

The Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission (PBC) today approved two contracts that will bring new air conditioning units to up to 35 more Chicago Public Schools (CPS) buildings this summer, further expanding the number of air conditioning units installed in classrooms across the city.

In 2013, fewer than half of the CPS campuses had air conditioning in every classroom. Since 2013, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has installed air conditioning at 177 CPS schools, and after the newest air conditioners are installed at schools this summer, there are only 65 school campuses remaining that need air conditioners.

The board approved the contracts with Auburn Corp. and Jensen Window Corp. in the amount of $1.5 million each for the fabrication and installation of panels and window air conditioners. The board also approved a contract in the amount of $1 million with Illco, Inc. to supply the air conditioners.

Auburn and Jensen are working with PBC to identify MBE and WBE subcontractors in compliance with PBC participation requirements and economic sustainability standards. Auburn and Jensen have extensive experience in successfully performing this type of work in the past for the client and the PBC.

Both firms successfully performed this work during the 2013 School Improvement Program and have the experience and capacity required deliver the air conditioners to ensure they are ready in time for the start of the 2015-2016 school year.