
Budlong Woods Branch Library

5630 North Lincoln Avenue

LEED Certified

The grand opening for this new 14,000-square-foot branch library was Saturday, February 8, 2003.

The Budlong Woods Library branch is also the city’s first “green” library. The Department of Environment will be sending the needed documents to the US Green Building Council in order to get the library its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification.

“Green” modifications include:

  • Solar panels located on the roof that can provide up to 17 kilowatts of renewable, clean power.
  • Energy star compliant, highly reflective roofing material to help keep the building cooler in the summer.
  • Concrete pavement for the parking lot instead of black asphalt, also to keep the temperature on site cooler in the summer.
  • Building materials, such as carpeting, ceiling tiles, acoustic tiles and gypsum board and steel, have a significant amount of recycled content.
  • The building’s HVAC high performance integrated system was designed to perform 17-18% better than the Chicago Energy Code.
5630 North Lincoln Avenue
Ward 40: West Ridge
Owner’s Representatives:
Construction Cost Systems, Inc
General Contractors:
Architect of Record:
Jackson Architects, L.L.C.