
Taylor-Lauridsen Park Fieldhouse

704 West 42nd Street

LEED Certified: GOLD

Mayor Daley cut the ribbon opening the 18,500-square-foot fieldhouse on December 12, 2009. The fieldhouse features:

  • Competition size gymnasium,
  • Fitness and club rooms,
  • Locker rooms with showers and
  • Administrative support offices.

The building will be constructed using pre-cast concrete panels, masonry brick veneer and glazed curtain wall system. The surrounding area will be developed to include a universally accessible play-lot, parking, landscaped areas and baseball field improvements.

LEED Features: The entire structure will incorporate various Sustainable Design elements and materials to achieve the PBC’s goal of LEED “Silver” Certification. The mechanical systems are being designed to include features that will exceed the Chicago Energy Code and LEED requirements. The building’s primary mechanical system will be geothermal with a heat recovery system.


  • 2011 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Award for Architectural Excellence in Community Design (2nd Place)