
William Jones College Preparatory High School

700 South State Street

LEED Certified: Gold

A new non-prototypical high school for 1,200 selective-enrollment and community students, which includes below-grade parking, general classrooms, science labs, world language/computer classrooms, art classrooms, music classrooms, administration suite, nurses/student services suite, student dining area with servery and full cooking kitchen, multi-purpose room, library, gymnasium, natatorium, separate auditorium, and building support spaces. This replacement High School to be constructed to the south of the existing Jones College Prep High School.

LEED Features:This project will seek LEED for Schools Silver certification, and will feature a 50% green roof.


  • 2015 AIA Illinois Miles van der Rohe Honor Award for Innovation
  • 2014 AIA Chicago Distinguished Building Honor Award
  • 2014 Good Neighbor Award – Commercial New Construction, Chicago Association of Realtors
  • 2014 Chicago Building Congress Merit Award Finalist for Construction Over $55 Million
  • 2014 Illinois Association of School Boards Exhibition of Educational Environment Award of Merit
  • 2014 ASHRAE Excellence in Engineering Award for HVAC Design
  • 2014
  • Nominee Friends of Downtown “Best New Building”

Social Media:

  • Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #Jones
  • More Pictures on
700 South State Street
Ward 4: Loop
Architect of Record:
Perkins + Will, Inc.
General Contractors:
Rausch Construction Co., Inc.
General Contractors:
Roy Strom Excating & Grading Company
General Contractors:
Hayward Baker, Inc.
General Contractors:
Walsh Construction Company, II LLC
General Contractors:
John Keno & Company