Request for Qualifications
Multi-Agency Guaranteed Energy Performance Contracting Program
The PBC on behalf of its clients, including the City of Chicago, the Board of Education and other Sister Agencies and unity of Local Government that ask to participate in the program are soliciting proposals through this Request of Qualifications and Proposals from energy service companies interested in providing comprehensive energy management and energy-related capital improvement service for a Multi-Agency Guaranteed Energy Performance Contracting Program to be managed by the PBC for the benefit of its User Agencies. Services and improvements delivered on a performance contracting basis for the Program may allow the PBC and its User Agencies to:
- a) incur no initial capital cost,
- b) achieve significant long term savings which are measured and verified,
- c) obtain an annual savings guarantee which will be equal to or greater than the total annual Program financing costs,
- d) obtain consistent levels of occupant comfort and system functionality, and
- e) finance the Program over an extended contract term.
Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference:
A mandatory conference for all ESCO’s will be held on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 2:00 pm at the Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room CL115. Each ESCO must send at least one representative to the mandatory pre-submittal conference to be eligible for consideration.
Submission Due Date:
Qualification Part I (Qualifications) Submittals must be delivered by Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 12:00 Noon to the 糖心logo, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200.
Part II (Proposal) response due will date will be identified at a later date.
Request for Interpretation:
Every request for interpretation must be made in writing, by email to and/or addressed to the 糖心logo 50 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602, ATTENTION: Ingrid Worrell – Contract Officer. Questions received after Friday, August 19, 2011 may be answered at the discretion of the 糖心logo. The interpretations, if any, will be issued in writing and posted below.
Ingrid Worrell – Contract Officer (312) 742-4712
- RFQ&P for Multi-agency Guaranteed Energy Performance Contracting Services (Issued: 7/13/2011)
Firms Attending the Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference: (Sign in sheet)
- Addendum 1 (7/29/11).
- Addendum 2 (8/19/11).